Sunday 14 February 2016

Swim Fest at West Wave

A great night's sleep at Robyn's readied me for the adventure of Timekeeping at the 'Proud to Play' Swim-meet at West Wave in Henderson, a swimming complex built for an earlier Commonwealth Games held in Auckland.  But this was certainly a friendly event, with teams from Brisbane, Perth, Sydney and Melbourne, as well as the local rivalry between Auckland and Wellington, although only seven swimmers were there representing my beautiful city.

 We were coached on arrival in the art of time-keeping by a heavily Northern-Irish accented man, but were also told that we were only back-up timers as all was being electronically recorded. And indeed it was a little tricky, but much camaraderie amongst the many lesbian ladies made for a good team effort. We were paraded and applauded both before and after the event, so everyone appreciated the volunteers.

The feeling was so benevolent at this excellent venue that my expected encounter with AB turned out happily to be all smiles and banter which exactly the way I had hoped it would be. The 'feud' is over!

So all in all, it was a happy finishing to my few days in Auckland, and now my plan was just to take Robyn to lunch as she has kindly offered to drive me to the airport, something which I gratelfully accepted.
Preparing for the races at West Wave..

...after a race...

..there also was a nearby creek for recovery and some contemplation.

Robbie, posing for the camera at Bodrum, a very nice Turkish restaurant ar New Lynn, it's one of her favourite poses.
It was a nice stay with R and I will be welcomed again I am sure, but my idea of only a one-night stay anwhere is always a sure-fire success.

One of our Wellington  Winners...

And one from Auckland...

The Relay winners from Auckland

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