Wednesday 10 February 2016

Chinese New Year

Tonight I am going to the Police Headquarters to help celebate the Chinese NY. It is a very inclusive police force here, and I am always interested to see the public face... but what goes on behind the scenes is often a secret. Elise came in today for Gloria and we gave her the Memphis Monkey card which she loved. Elise is doing her Masters on Human Rights and may be interested in police interviews but would they be party to this? Possibly only on their conditions, but Elizabeth Young,the host tonight at Police HQ may let me know, if I arrive early enough to have a chat with her. A quick visit to the Kilbirnie pool to touch base with the DSW team will suffice as no way will I swim after the Chinese dinner they will offer tonight.

Not a 113 year-old wine tonight at Police HQ!

Instead new blue double deckers, I saw one today but we won't get them on Route 24 I'm afraid.

Syria's in an unbelievable state of siege, such a tragedy for these families

Sanders up to trump Hillary, I hope not!

Don't trust these two, but much better than stupid Tony Abbott.

This is what I will miss this weekend, but better off with no sun. I am hoping I will be given a shady job at the West Wave Pool at Auckland!

The real hot chocolate at Cuba Lighthouse.

Am in the midst of a cohort of lesbians at what may be the first night of the Cate Blanchett movie 'Carol', where she stars  with the young Rooney Mara in the Patricia Highsmith based movie about love between a younger and an older woman. Should be interesting, Cate is up for an Oscar, again!

Earlier my visit to Police HQ was an entertaining one and useful as well, as I spoke to Mike from Interfaith who had originally roped me in to find a meeting room and now it is found. Also there I met a young talented Laotian girl, Di, an MKR semi-finalist, (My Kitchen Rules) who gave a cooking demonstration of simple dumplings, one Chinese cooking skill I would like to have and it is so easy.  I gave her my card for some daft reason, as one does, but she was a great fan of Elizabeth Chong from Melbourne so when I told her I knew Elizabeth she warmed up to me no end. It was a small and simple affair with some Chinese food served which was forgettable, but there was a nice vibe and the Commissioner Bush nearly crushed my hand when he shook it. This is the informality of Wellington.

The welcoming mihi from Maori Officer Wally with Commissioner Mike Bush smiling his accompaniment.

This Di the cooking demonstrator from Laos/Melbourne, but now living in Porirua - a sweet and charming young Mum.

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