Saturday 6 February 2016

Wednesday and Aussie in the bad news...

Arrive at the Memphis and Anita is already there. It is a day like most others, Gloria, Tom  and Guy are all there at different times, even Tanguy comes by with some good news of his interview. He feels it was a success so I am happy for him as the Bivouac is a great outdoor shop right in the hub of the action in downtown Welly.  He is even mildly excited.
But this news from Australia is less than exciting and makes me wonder how far down in the world's esteem Aussie can go. Sending refugee babes to Nauru, an acknowledged hell hole, is not just inhumane, it is a crime against humanity and should be punished. And it is PM Malcolm Turnbull who is letting it happen. Shame on him.

Mark Reason yet again, shows that not all Kiwis are fair Kiwis, the Sevens, he says, was a refereeing sham!

My neighbour for a minute at my table. There are always nice people at the Memphis.

TPPA is the most unpopular bill and should not pass though without more scrutiny.

Tom Scott's accuracy on today's hot topic.

It is an extremely hot day so on my way home I drop in at City Hall to see if our room for Interfaith is available. Sam Hannaway comes down to see me, a lovely pierced woman, are they all like that at City Hall I wonder? She tells me the room is ours for no cost if we are a non-profit organisation. So I am relieved, and can now go about informing Rajiv and the others. I hope they will accept it as there are many side benefits I believe, which I will illustrate in a letter to go to the  Committee for the next meeting which I can't attend as I will be in Auckland.

Then home to see a happy Tanguy who seems to be a water-baby and is spending the afternoon in the bay, with many others I notice. But not for me, that sun is too vicious and I am taking no risks, and am still  recovering from my weekend burn-up!

Tonight is our return to the HU song and Scottish Country Dance, a very welcome return to both forms of exercise, both Spiritual and physical. Oh I forgot to say I had a long and interesting skype chat with Lydia this morning, a conversation which warrants a long email tonight. Things are not easy for that young lady.

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