Monday 22 February 2016

Strange Tuesday...

Slept in a bit this morning after very strange dream of my late Mum and Dad, with me being an apologist for my father....very strange and worth remembering.

So rushed on the bus to check my Gold Card loss in Newtown Café but with no joy, and I fear this time I have lost it permanently as I have no idea where it could be. Friday will see me request a replacement from WINZ as they have told me it is possible.

In the meantime, my other 'loss' turned up in the deepest reaches of my other shoulder bag where I had obviously placed it on my return from Auckland and had subsequently forgotten all about it. So now I  have two rechargers in the event of one failing! Newtown is quaint and still smacks of 'old Wellington' during the week.

Some big crims in Kiwiland as well, especially in finance.
What I have always said, and the wheat grass is old territory for me...
Where I plan to go tonight, my first visit to Bats Theatre, and it is an Aussie, and a real one!
Am looking forward to seeing this special art doco....
This is a real foray into PM hopes for Boris Johnson, and he may well succeed I think.
AJ sits with me for a Sushi....

Home for a rest and a good read as I have now three library books on the go, or is it four? I am so happy to be back reading again, like I was when a real youngster when I read at least two books a week.

At Tiwhanawhana last night it was a hectic practice as we are performing on several occasions in the next month. We are doing many waiata and I need to memorise all the text instead of just doing the vowel sounds, as the meaning is often in the consonants. One day I will be confident to sing solo perhaps?

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