Saturday 20 February 2016

Day of losses, and lessons!

Well the best laid plans etc etc... Today's road closure with a Fun Run left me with a vegan plate and nobody to eat it, as I had to cancel my trip to Lower Hutt. Rajiv was understanding as usual.

So I bit the bullet and then discovered the run was not as large as expected, so no problems, I escaped home in time to go into town for a coffee, but still missed the Vegan Lunch. I was a bit nervous about it anyway as it purportedly included a Taoist Meditation session as well!

But perhaps I needed this meditation, as this past week has been a big lesson for me in losing things. First in Auckland, I believe, where my Apple recharger and cable disappeared, possibly lifted from their green bag when I carelessly left it unattended. A big lesson there.  And today I discover my very important Gold Card which gives me free bus travel in Wellington and Auckland, has gone. I believe I may have lost  it yesterday in my busy day, taking it when it wasn't needed as well, and it may have slipped out somewhere with the Snapper card included.  Luckily I have duplicates of both, although it is a big lesson for me in careless carrying. I now place both cards in my wallet which never leaves me.

So my Sunday is a day of recollection and new starts, as really nothing is an accident, there is always something to be learned. I feel Karma may be in force here as well, so again life teaches us lessons which have to be learned or we get them again and again. This lesson for me is personal responsibility, and taking things slowly. I always seem to be in a rush, and Wellington is not a rushed city, so my decision to spend some time the library is a good one, a place to take time and read.

Here is the FunRun in front of my home...

And in City Library where I have my coffee there is a group of oldies celebrating a birthday, in the aways-open Library Café where the coffee ain't that bad either! The Kiwis are a communal lot and enjoy the café
scene more than most people.

The very popular but tricky Black Cap Captain Brendon McCullum, who yesterday scored at Hagley Oval the fastest century in Test history!

This Pope has to reform the Catholic Church, and it could start with this Zika virus, and allowing contraception and abortion when it is necessary. There may now be millions of deformed babies born because of this mosquito-borne virus which creates small-headed babies. Why cannot the Catholic Church move with the times, we are no longer in the Dark Ages, where much if their dogma lies. With Aussie Cardinal Pell being now the financial head of the Vatican, the richest principality in the world, I cannot but see a failing future for this totally outmoded, damaged and dishonest world power.

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