Monday 15 February 2016

Back at Memphis

 Rain hit Wellington today but just a slight drizzle. More troubling was the cost of a regular service to Bella which is going to be over $400 - something I didn't really expect. I am going to have a chat with owner Bho about his big cost and suggest I go elsewhere for a Service. I wonder how he will accept this?
News of another nature, a fireball hitting a man who was speaking on his cellphone which saved his face from destruction! There is some use for them after all!

A kiwi winner who did it with broken ribs...

Now the Aussies have discovered Wellington!

French Film Festival coming up...

NZSO up for a Grammy..

Busy Memphis...

With some fancy dress...

Back page news is the Aussie demolition of the Black Caps, but after some dreadful umpiring which could have changed the whole way of the game. But Australia it seems were not just the luckier team, but also the grittier, a talent which the Kiwis lack sometimes unfortunately.

Tom came in for a chat and agreed with my summation of Witi in Auckland...suffering from ego problems and he told me some quirky truths about Witi which Witi likes to keep very quiet. He was also glad to hear good news of Pam and her new love, something which both of us feel is a move in the right direction for her.

The sun has come out so it's time to move to the City Library to wait for a text to say my expensive car is ready for collection. I may even pass by another garage for a service quote to use as some ammunition!

Ai Island Bay opposite Empire Cinema...

..where I saw a film the youngsters loved. It was well made and certainly off the grid, an Indie movie, but typical happy ending involving lots of action, thrills and bloodletting. Very much a Kiwi sort of movie, it was called 'Dead Pool' and satirised the recent spate of Superhero movies like X-Men and Wolverine, none of which I have ever seen. Hugh Jackman would love it!

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