Saturday 6 February 2016

Saturday Waitangi Day

February 6
This day is to celebrate the rare Treaty of Waitangi, for better or for worse, when the Maori married the invading Pakeha. The rest is history, and they are still squabbling with PM John Key refusing to attend    the Marae in Waitangi near the Bay of Islands in the north. There is always a joust going on and Key doesn't like what happens to him as he is not very popular at all.
This Kiwi girl has cashed in on Make-up and Vlogging to make a lotta money

At Black Coffee at Newtown, great cake as well!

The crowd playing pinball while listening to the singer at Black Coffee...

Art on the walls at Black Coffee - good stuff, I like it.

Pell being the bastard he is, pretending to be too sick to travel, Not True!!

Black Coffee clientele...

Kieran, once Ciara, shows what it is to be a modern guy, and a trans one at that. More power to him, I hope he visits us at Tiwhanawhana one day when he comes to Wellington. He would be made very welcome.

The Pasifika boyz having fun diving at the wharf after dusk...

..and finding a cool place to change their wet togs.

This is Kiwi mega-talent Arthur Meeks, writer, director, actor, who has won a following on off-Broadway, with his witty and incisive, but especially topical, political satire about Hillary and her pre-election show. This time it was in front of a very appreciative Kiwi audience at Circa Theatre, who laughed uproariously at his every joke. He was excellent and funny in a Kiwi endearing way. An enjoyable hour of one-man theatre.

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