Wednesday 30 September 2015

Weather turns bad for Olivia's arrival

Gale winds and rain forecast for tonight's midnight arrival of Olivia, what a way to come to Wellington!
Hopefully Olivia will withstand the winds and arrive optimistic and in one piece. Everything is ready for her and all I have to do is write a welcome letter, something I do for all my tenants. 

A typical bureaucratic bunglebig views no more!

Memphis Belle...

The Keys in Washington....looking coy.

Interesting statistictwenty percent Maori population soon to be overtaken by Asians

Days of Big Dance Parties in Wellingtonall gone now.

Syrian President Assad really a butcher and should be dealtwith but is being supplied arms by Putin. This is a very dangerous world situation with so many suffering because of one man's beliefs and weaknesses.

Paul just came in to Memphis for a goodbye coffee as he leaves next week for three weeks in Europe.
He has a good food job and will also see all his family in South London.

Paul in Memphis

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Preparing for Olivia

Today is sunny but on Friday for Olivia's arrival from Brisbane, gale force winds and rain are predicted...oh well - I suppose she needs to have that experience early to see how good it can be on Saturday and Sunday!

Preparing her room and making the house clean involves others and Sonny is now recruited to clean the fridge shelf which he has very copiously filled with Indian comestibles. I am sure he will do it but he needs to be told, like a little boy. Last night I wifi-ed my new cheap b/w printer to the iMac and he helped me in his own special way. He is a technophile there's no doubt about it and we do not speak the same language. He is also twenty-five years old, say no more.
Everyone loves this Pope!

Dixon Street strolls...

Eddie doing his homeworkand a smart young visitor

Ex mayor loving Wellington...

What a joke Tony may as well retire now!

The news is mostly bad in the Dom Post. I have a busy day with preparing the room and writing some articles about the Body Positive debacle. We are trying to save something of it but really Auckland doesn't give a damn about it.

Here is Ron's last day at BPwith two supporters leaving the building.

Monday 28 September 2015

Tuesday recovery

Spring has sprung and today the sun shines on Wellington streets and the people are showing what it is like to be a fashionable Wellingtonian. The styles here are reflected by the WOW factor, everyone does what they want, with originality and flair. But always with the weather in mind. It is a delight to watch it appear in the streets.

Last night a dinner party at my house with Sonny cooking for his two friends a Chicken Tandoori. They also consumed a bottle of Shiraz so it was loud for a while but settled to quiet at ten'ish and they all went to the city to finish for the night..K stayed the night on the couch to mend his puncture in the morning with the sun shining on the balcony and the cat frolicking around as well.

I left them to their work and went on the Memphis where today, I unusually had two coffees, something which will stay with me for the day I am sure!

Last night's Interfaith meeting was very interesting as Wendy stepped down, not just from the Chair but also from the Executive, with a self-deprecating smile and feeling of relief, for her and everyone else I think. She had done three years and needed a rest and was to be commended for her efforts.
Dr. Khalid the Muslim 'Sheik' was elected unopposed and his wife Dr. Razia, a formidable partner, came along to enure the transition went well..they are both medical supremos and are there to do stuff. It was a good result however, and I was also elected to go with two others to find a new, more suitable venue as now the parking has dried up at  St Andrews.

It was a well reasoned meeting, Khalid is a nice man and not at all pompous, but may be ruled by his wife I would say, and she will doubtless be in evidence throughout the coming year. I left a little before the end as it was dragging on a bit and I was due at Ti Whanawhana at six-thirty.

All my worries about Wendy were put aside as I knew they would be. I had arrived early and was there alone so sat quietly singing the HU before anyone arrived. The stage was set and the play unrolled as it should, in the best possible way. It is now a totally different, more sympathetic dynamic than before and the next year will he much more satisfying. Baraka Bashad!
Will I one day learn the deaf language? I hope so.

Sun at Memphis

NZ small gene pool of excellence...

My choice of hotel stay in Wellington, For Sale

Ma'a Nonu the champ..

Will he play or will SBW take his place?

...and Danny Lee, on the way up.

After a quiet day, I caught a local movie called Born to Dance, at the recently re-opened Empire Theatre at Island Bay. This cinema was another excellent discovery, also with a very acceptable restaurant/cafe inside.  The movie, very Kiwi, about Auckland Rap dance champions, was also excellent. It showed another area of competition in the rare and modern world of Rap Dancing where New Zealand is the current World Champion. 

Showing amazing skills, it is a five star movie of its genre, sure to be a big money earner in the US if given the right publicity machine as it is very similar to that block-buster success 'Dirty Dancing' sans glitz nor the star casting, which actually makes it more charming.

Sunday 27 September 2015

Daylight saving brings the sun

In the last weekend in September the daylight saving begins so it is fitting the sun should shine as yesterday was wet and miserable.

However the big farewell party went well for Ron with the Maori contingent from Auckland supplying the correct and proper protocol to send someone off in a regal manner. Ron was quite chuffed t hear all the speeches and hear the waiata which followed every small speech. I even made one and we sang afterwards Te Hokinga Mai. It was quite touching and everyone continued to carouse on but I left at six-thirty for the dinner I had been invited to, albeit reluctantly. I am sure it went on for many hours...
On the quay at Chaffers

Bella hiding nearby...

My dinner party was just that,a gigantic feast for five people and we all ate excessvely well. Four courses, two meats, and no alcohol which is the Maori norm, and also mine, so it went down well. Te Here had his boyfriend staying over from Auckland and he was a delight..called Falenga he is a Zumba professional dancer and looks like it. The Other two, Mark and Conrad, were vivacious and entertaining with many stories, it was an interesting evening but I didn't go to Ron's as promised, it was too darn late. Sorry Ron!

Monday Nemisis

Today my meet-up with W at Interfaith...we'll see what eventuates as there has been evidence of her not liking me on the committee. For no reason whatsoever.
Gideon at the bar..

My new cup, the other one became too chipped

Yesterday is a blur. Is my memory getting worse or what. I know I went dancing last night and also had a nice coffee at Chaffer's was that it?
This seed vault more thansmacks of the future. Syria is demolished and its seeds are recovered under the ice in Sweden to recover their food industry. What forethought and imagination for this vault to have been constructed in expectation of a nuclear war wiping out world food resources.
An Indian Philosopherof comparative religions not wanting to retire and his students  protesting against his enforced dismissal, a big loss to Vic Uni which is one of the great institutions in New Zealand.

Dawn French coming for two nights to the Opera House

When will the truth about Putin come out?he is supporting the Syrian civil war with arms...

Harry emotional at England's awful  loss to Waleswith brother William more measured, although it may mean the end of England's chances if they lose their next game to Australia.

The Welsh winner!

Friday 25 September 2015

The Big Saturday

Today found me in the city near Symes Dasilva so I dropped into to the dentist to check my newly made cavity which has been aching the whole week, off and on. David, the young dentist who looked at it said it was OK, just to keep on rinsing with salt water. I had forgotten to do this, so in future, salt water it is. Relieved, I went to Memphis to have a coffee and scone in my new cup as my Cat cup had become very chipped. Gideon understood and gave me one of his excellent coffees.

Last night was dinner at Nakhon Thai in Hataitai for Tom's 58th birthday. Brent had invited me along and I brought my orange cake for Tom to take to Norsewood to consume in the country, leisurely. It is not the sort of cake for after dinner, espcially Thai! The restaurant was lovely in spite of the very noisy neighbours who seemed to shout everything. The walls unfortunately were stripped back brick so that didn't  help matters. But it was a good meal and I was home to recover, not being used to meals at night.

Home was good but not for long, as tonight I have Ron's farewell bash and also a dinner with Te HereKieKie in Te Aro. Will be a big afternoon and evening, so I am gearing up for this. Tomorrow will be a  quiet Sunday...I am hoping!
The man with the Haka...Cody

WOW factor!

New Zealand has had its share of disasters...

..also of heroes!

Patricia Grace, writer extraordinaire.

Katherine Mansfiel loved clothes...

Her great portrait..

And more great Kiwi first Kiwi book was a crime thriller

Excellent monthly magazine

Super busy Saturday at Memphis

Thursday 24 September 2015

Sunny Friday

Finally the sun shines and blesses Wellington streets which have been patiently waiting for it to come, never for a minute doubting that it would eventually come, bringing its warming rays to keep the stoic Wellingtonians happy.

In Memphis today and most people are in the sun outside, while I am here with Anita having a Mocha coffee to celebrate the sun's arrival. She tells me Meridian Electricity is a ripoff and I should go with Flick...I will certainly look into it especially when I discovered that Alice had the heater on all night for her  clothes in the living room. Not a good idea and very expensive so I wrote to her about it and she took my point. I just have to be more instructive next time. 

With Olivia I will have an 'instructions morning' How to survive Wellington Winters economically!  It is a paper I will write and print when I buy my printer this afternoon!

This is a serious failing in Kiwi Social care

Black milk not selling!

Cars a permanent problem in polite Wellington...

This guy was emotionally abused in care at age seventeen

South American Film Festival to seeat Te Papa

Improv theatreshould be good too!

Blue skies and sun on Memphis

So many Kiwis now playing for other countries

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Chilly wind, more to come

Tom has joined me for a coffee and cake at Memphis. It is his birthday tomorrow although he says he is not celebrating it. Perhaps we will see him on Saturday  and I may make a cake for him as well.
So after Memphis home to bake. 

Have decided to buy a wifi Laser printer from Harvey Norman, but Sonny will have to help with its configuration as the salesman said there are some problems associated with this. There certainly would be for me, but as he can use it for his occasional printout I think he will help me.
The cat is making good progress in the house, dividing her time amongst all of us with great acumen.
She is turning out to be all that I could have wanted and I hope will become even better as she starts to own the house,

The Red Peak's now in the runningonly to lose!

The WOW factor in Wellie...

Four strands of bureaucracycombatting the unfortunate Wellington internet consumer

The Pope and friend...

Is Richie the nation's Spiritual Leader?This is a rather large role to play for a sportsman. I fear for his future after retirement as he has been put on such a pedestal it will be hard to relinquish. He will need a lot of psychological support then. His not without flaws. 

The Olive Oil Mediterranean dietthe best for us, sans red meat - just fruit, vegies, legumes, fish, nuts and water, something to which I aspire, with some sugary problems to deal with, lol!  Perhaps I also eat too much carbohydrate! 

They are now playing Bridge Over Troubled Water, a song I associate with Meg Bell and her husband in Oxford. Such memories, and it is John's birthday next week. 
Also playing is Don McLean's The Day the Music Died, with a rapturous reception from the audience here at the Memphis.