Sunday 20 September 2015

Still raining...

It has been quite a weekend, with the cat arrivng, Big Dancing, and awful weather, and of course Japan bearing the Springboks on the bell with a try by a Kiwi on their team. How is it that therealways seems to be a kiwi around when success is recorded? Are they just the biggest all-time winners in the world? Although it was Aussie Eddie Jones who coached the Japanese team so they are there too.

I have left the new extended family at home to get together and make sure they understand now who is running the house, it's Mou Mou of course. She came into my bedroom this morning and miaowed just like Mr Ralph and really it seemed like Ralph has been reincarnated into this gorgeous little white girl called Mou Mou. Anyway, that's how I feel about her arrival, she is a benefit to all and we will all learn from the experience. I am the primary caregiver of course, but as the others settle in and become fonder of her my responsibilities may diminish somewhat. I am hoping Olivia will fall in love with her too. It is a gamble with Liv, but  I have a good feeling she is the real thing, and will blend into our home for at least a few months if not more.

Tragedy at Hamilton Zoo

Mad Japanese victory

Bowing bums of Japanese

Here Mou Mou looks like a racoon!

Ooh, by the way, the All Blacks beat Argentina in their first World Cup match, no problems there!

This ongoing Syriantragedy cannot be ignored. This is a country formerly so proud and united, now split and suffering so much with hundreds of thousands fleeing their own country with Russia now supplying arms to the government of Syria to enforce a military State. What is the world doing to itself?

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