Thursday 10 September 2015

Fine Friday..

Well it was a long and interesting Skype with Canadian Olivia last night - over half an hour I would say. She seems to be the perfect match and I know she is considering it. She is also a Gemini, very intelligent, and would love the front room which will be ready for whenever she arrives. I have a strong feeling it will happen. Later on in my very busy weekend, I will take time to send her a more measured email with an offer she may find too good to refuse. 

Sonny arrived home last night and the bromance resumed in full flight. He was in great form, having just spent ten days flying all over the best spots in the US with his wealthy betrothed who is a Indian New York lawyer. In India these days it is good enough if the wife is a lawyer and the husband can be the chef/manager, although I know Sonny has aspirations to be the next Hector Blumenthal!

Koroi was so happy to see him again, especially with his room spotlessly cleaned, and now there is Sonny's smart car to facilitate their movements, I am sure the friendship will blossom even more with Koroi living in Seatoun.
Typical Kiwi cool look..fighting for the smokers.

Friday ultra busy at the Memphis...

Am soon off to the last Potluck lunch at BP. Then to meet the new French tenant possibility after I have a quick visit to see Ailsa my dentist at Symes Dasilva to get a filling quote. It's complicated these days, dentists are very 'high-end'!   And tomorrow it is Renée Fleming, a date I have looked forward to for some time, and I have a really good seat overlooking the orchestra and right behind this wonderful American soprano. 

Also I discovered last night at swimming that Martin had already bought his tickets for the Pina Bausch 'Rites of Spring' à la Nijinsky, and it is that program to which I am now aspiring in March next year.You have to book well in advance to get a good seat, but St James is normally OK for viewing. However the tickets are $150, even with Pina now deceased, but the word is, the production is stupendous, it couldn't be anything less I am sure.

Sunday night at six pm I'm foregoing ballroom to see the RNZ Ballet strut their stuff in a competition. It is sort of 'back-stage' and I am sure Jennifer will be there and we will finally catch up. I can afford  to miss ballroom for one night.

Early death from heart attackof NZ music personality.

Woman awarded for top Admin.abilities, including organising World Cup cricket and more. Quite an achiever.

Also Brendon McCallumbeing awarded for Cricket Captaincy.

Editorial in Dom Postroundly criticising the government for its cowardly stance on Pasifika Islands climate change, also in the human rights travesty in West Papua by the Indonesian government.

Head gear looks smartat Memphis!

Beautiful harbour, but where to next?

Crazy censorship of kids' novel...

My Sunday night balletcompetition at St James, organised by Artistic Director Francesco Ventriglia.

Well, so much can happen in a few hours in a big city, or even a small one, when it's Wellington.

My dentist frankly showed me my molar was dead, extraction imminent, next Friday to be precise. I am quite happy about that as I trust this woman implicitly. Not what I could say about some other dentists in Wellington!

I then had a perfect RV with Alice and she is also a real delight. So much like my other French girl, Ilham, who was with us for just a short time before moving on reluctantly to Christchuch. Alice loved the house, met Sonny who made us a rather tasteless Korean tea, and she was certainly interested as was the Canadian, but wanted time to consider. She is Sagittarius, love the solar system and would be a great complement to Olivia. I am hoping that they both will take the leap and join me in Roseneath. 

I now have a lot to look forward to and on to write the letter of invitation to Olivia in Brisbane. It's all looking good.

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