Friday 25 September 2015

The Big Saturday

Today found me in the city near Symes Dasilva so I dropped into to the dentist to check my newly made cavity which has been aching the whole week, off and on. David, the young dentist who looked at it said it was OK, just to keep on rinsing with salt water. I had forgotten to do this, so in future, salt water it is. Relieved, I went to Memphis to have a coffee and scone in my new cup as my Cat cup had become very chipped. Gideon understood and gave me one of his excellent coffees.

Last night was dinner at Nakhon Thai in Hataitai for Tom's 58th birthday. Brent had invited me along and I brought my orange cake for Tom to take to Norsewood to consume in the country, leisurely. It is not the sort of cake for after dinner, espcially Thai! The restaurant was lovely in spite of the very noisy neighbours who seemed to shout everything. The walls unfortunately were stripped back brick so that didn't  help matters. But it was a good meal and I was home to recover, not being used to meals at night.

Home was good but not for long, as tonight I have Ron's farewell bash and also a dinner with Te HereKieKie in Te Aro. Will be a big afternoon and evening, so I am gearing up for this. Tomorrow will be a  quiet Sunday...I am hoping!
The man with the Haka...Cody

WOW factor!

New Zealand has had its share of disasters...

..also of heroes!

Patricia Grace, writer extraordinaire.

Katherine Mansfiel loved clothes...

Her great portrait..

And more great Kiwi first Kiwi book was a crime thriller

Excellent monthly magazine

Super busy Saturday at Memphis

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