Tuesday 29 September 2015

Preparing for Olivia

Today is sunny but on Friday for Olivia's arrival from Brisbane, gale force winds and rain are predicted...oh well - I suppose she needs to have that experience early to see how good it can be on Saturday and Sunday!

Preparing her room and making the house clean involves others and Sonny is now recruited to clean the fridge shelf which he has very copiously filled with Indian comestibles. I am sure he will do it but he needs to be told, like a little boy. Last night I wifi-ed my new cheap b/w printer to the iMac and he helped me in his own special way. He is a technophile there's no doubt about it and we do not speak the same language. He is also twenty-five years old, say no more.
Everyone loves this Pope!

Dixon Street strolls...

Eddie doing his homeworkand a smart young visitor

Ex mayor loving Wellington...

What a joke Tony Abbott...you may as well retire now!

The news is mostly bad in the Dom Post. I have a busy day with preparing the room and writing some articles about the Body Positive debacle. We are trying to save something of it but really Auckland doesn't give a damn about it.

Here is Ron's last day at BPwith two supporters leaving the building.

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