Friday 4 September 2015

Saturday sunny and busy!

After getting up for an early morning start for Fir on the ferry and I am now at Newtown shopping for the market fruit and vegies. 

Three girls have applied to see the available room but first I need to make the house presentable - clean the kitchen and the fridge - it is filthy - and decide if I buy bedroom furniture for the second room or not. I now know K. is moving out on the 17th so that is in place, but I will have to really re-do his room when he leaves. However as it is the best room in the house it should walk out the door when he does eventually go. 

Tonight I am going to see a play at Circa Theatre on the wharf which will be interesting - written by a Kiwi, it is set in NYC in the eighties, my era. I will relate to it somewhat I am sure. In the meantime, I am shopping and cleaning, and have a very big day tomorrow, Sunday. I have three things on and possibly a visit from potential tenants. 
I am back in action, Wellington is rolling!

Not surprised at this debacle....

Newtown at former Bordeaux Café...still good

..but quite empty this morning so something has changed...

Peter Jackson's triumph....


Oooh to get a pussy cat!

Huge talent, Jermaine Clementnow a very big star in New York City

This flag could work!...the Red Peak..

A successful Kiwi in the perfume business in London

More couples than singles are applying to live in my house. Will I adjust to their needs? I will have to meet them and consider the situation anew.

The 'dumb waiter',in 'The Travelling Squirrel'.

... This is a play by well known Kiwi playwright and ex-pat, Robert Lord, who sadly died in the eighties, has had much success on the stage both here and in NYC, and I am really interested to see how his New York themed play will translate to the stage here in Wellingon. I'm sure it is a captive audience, so I am optimistic, given the undoubted talent that will appear on the stage at the Circa Theatre tonight.

I have arrived very early to get a free park, which I didn't, and also to collect my telephone booked ticket before seven o'clock. The foyer is abuzz with svelte young black-clad women creating the outside interest for this play, which is a rare one to be produced here since the nineties, when Robert Lord last had plays shown. But he is one popular chappie, and I'm sure super-talented like so many of these Kiwi writers. 

The atmosphere in the foyer is charming in its unsophistication, but at the same time it is a totally authentic theatre world. A quiet excitement is in the air for first night, and a palpable expectation that it will be a resounding success. I'll let you know in a few hours.

The Poster..

Robert Lord certainly lives up to his reputation in this sharp as a tack satire on New York and its arts scene. Believe me, it's true, and Paul Waggott in the main role more than does the excellent script justice. The story is familiar, but still relevant today - how to sell your soul for success in New York. Lord writes a comedy using the squirrels in New York's Central Park, obviously a place he frequented when living there. It works well and the joy of the play is in the excellent and deliciously portrayed minor characters. Gavin Rutherford and Carrie Green both go full tilt, and Claire Waldren makes the most of her stretch as the batty, conniving Sarah. Even the silent Erroll Anderson carries his role off to perfection as the just too handsome male model. The simple stage production with practically no props, is amply served by good lighting and large rear projections of the few localties used.

 It is a play well worth seeing and a tribute to Robert Lord's skills, a great, talented Kiwi writer, who was taken from us at an altogether too young age with the AIDS virus. It will run to good houses I am sure.

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