Saturday 5 September 2015

Sunday Skype and party

Just finished a morning Skype with the lovely Czech, Mischa, who was in Queenstown. She is hitchhiking up to Wellington this week. She was delightful and I had a good feeling about her but she won't decide till she see another place..I felt perhaps I was too old for her, but that's OK as it's very difficult to make a living decision at a distance. Ché sera, sera, as they say. The other couple may well come to see the house on Tuesday night, meaning I will cancel Paul's dinner for that night. He may not be pleased.

In the meantime it is a beautiful day and I am taking a quick coffee at Chaffer's café on the waterfront. Always a good brew and it is ultra busy here today, they seem to have doubled their table space. The wind is chilly but it's a classic Wellington day. Koroi woke with a sore head from last night so I didn't want to bother him. He has his moods this boy, which are not always easy to predict. Another ten days and he is out of the house anyway, I hope it will go smoothly as I'm sure it will.

A St. Bernard checkin' us out..

Blue skies and a chilly wind...

Am now on my way to Mark's birthday bash at his home at Ngaio. It is a new experience for me and will have many takataapui friends there. First to pick up a bottle of grape juice at the supermarket as I already have some cakes from yesterday. Am sure he will have tons of Maori kai there to eat for everyone. Viva has kindly cancelled her meeting with me so I am in no rush to disappear as I normally do.

Well the lunch was spectacular kai and lovely company, Mark and his family were great hosts and we all sang karakia and a new waiata which was great. Ngaio was not far away,  as nothing is in Wellington. Home for a good rest and then a nice uplifting return to ballroom dancing with Heta at Thistle Hall.

It was a really busy weekend and now to find the new housemates, seriously!

Chanel with Mark's Ngaio party

Mark, birthday boy with nephew

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