Sunday 6 September 2015

Monday - the search is on

I am out early at the Memphis to check out Vicoria's secrets, she who runs Easyroomate and charges by the week. I seem to have many a lass wanting to come as the photos I posted were so good it  would attract anyone at first glance. However I will have to sift through the applicants carefully. I feel it is now sure I will have to furnish the room fully to get someone as none of these wanderers will have furniture so I just have to do it. Pehaps I'll buy the stuff on Trademe but first to see the Sallies new shop on Willis street.
This proposed revamp is right opposite my home.

Shelly Bay is where a former prison was situated and Chinese developers who have the big money want to change it to a Sausalito-type village with a ferry service including Evans Bay to the city. It is  eminently sensible and would attract high-end bidders, as it is a perfect spot for the aftenoon sunsets and is a great position, but not quite as good as mine however, getting the great morning sunshine.
Memphis on the road..

More talk of Richie giving in to power play

Good review to The Squirrel...

On my list to see, just for this tent erection!

This Syrian tragedy,awfully shown in the eyes of this man whose wife and two sons were drowned trying to escape in people smugglers' boat on the Mediterranean. New Zealand is now increasing its refugee intake and it's about time.

Eric Murray and Hamish Bondundoubted world champions in double sculls, sixty-one victories!!

Well on finding the newly moved Sallies, in more upmarket Willis St.,bI feared the prices might be higher, but no, all was in order. On browsing I saw a single bed with base, a good blond wood chest of drawers, and a similar wooden desk,  all delivered for under two hundred dollars. So I couldn't say no, especially  as I know the vast majority of renters have no furniture at all. They may not stay forever, but that is also OK, as I will have more stimulating change in my life.

Let's hope I do find some interesting and serious applicants. The Czech girl, Mscha, would be nice I think, and Marine, the French girl, has just texted saying it is too far away. Little do they know of inner city dwelling prices in Wellington... But it's OK, the right people will appear. A Brit called Tim is calling by on Thursday to have a look, but he is part of a couple and may not be right for this room I fear.
However he sounds very nice and I don't want to sign off on anyone till I meet them.

Tonight at Tiwhanawhana we are preparing for a wee show on Saturday morning at the National Library on Molesworth Street..

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