Wednesday 23 September 2015

Chilly wind, more to come

Tom has joined me for a coffee and cake at Memphis. It is his birthday tomorrow although he says he is not celebrating it. Perhaps we will see him on Saturday  and I may make a cake for him as well.
So after Memphis home to bake. 

Have decided to buy a wifi Laser printer from Harvey Norman, but Sonny will have to help with its configuration as the salesman said there are some problems associated with this. There certainly would be for me, but as he can use it for his occasional printout I think he will help me.
The cat is making good progress in the house, dividing her time amongst all of us with great acumen.
She is turning out to be all that I could have wanted and I hope will become even better as she starts to own the house,

The Red Peak's now in the runningonly to lose!

The WOW factor in Wellie...

Four strands of bureaucracycombatting the unfortunate Wellington internet consumer

The Pope and friend...

Is Richie the nation's Spiritual Leader?This is a rather large role to play for a sportsman. I fear for his future after retirement as he has been put on such a pedestal it will be hard to relinquish. He will need a lot of psychological support then. His not without flaws. 

The Olive Oil Mediterranean dietthe best for us, sans red meat - just fruit, vegies, legumes, fish, nuts and water, something to which I aspire, with some sugary problems to deal with, lol!  Perhaps I also eat too much carbohydrate! 

They are now playing Bridge Over Troubled Water, a song I associate with Meg Bell and her husband in Oxford. Such memories, and it is John's birthday next week. 
Also playing is Don McLean's The Day the Music Died, with a rapturous reception from the audience here at the Memphis.

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