Wednesday 16 September 2015

Gales on Thursday

Things are changing at number 42, and so far it all seems smooth. Tomorrow, Friday, is Koroi moving out with the help of Sonny's car. Sonny will sorely miss his brother as the bromance has never been so strong. Koroi is on a high with a possible trip to Paris planned to cover the climate change impasse amongts the Pacific Islands, with Australia and NZ being the  problems.

I plan a farewell dinner tomorrow as Koroi packs, as a mark of our friendship, and it's what we also did for Fir's departure. In a week's time I will welcome his replacement in the form of Canadian Olivia, a vastly different energy and one I hope will complement our already interesting mix of people.

It is a chilly and windy Wellington day today, one for which it is famous, or infamous! I am presently shopping to see if a mini-i-Pad is possible in the next few weeks with the arrival of the new one making the earlier models affordable. It has been on my list for a while, also a laser printer which I think I will have to indulge in now that BP is going and access to a printer is no longer there.

As soon as Olivia arrives I will be more secure for a while, a few months hopefully, and things will soften up financially. In the meantime I am having a right royal time waiting for my Aussie driver's licence to arrive from Hobart. Three phone calls, with three different people, have resulted in a stand-off. No one takes responsibility for doing nothing and I have given them my email address to let me know if it has been 'Lost in the Mail', or whatever. Really it has been a signal reminder of how inefficient things are done in Tasmania, but I did think my ten dollar licence was a bit on the cheap. But that's what they charged me for another five years!

Anoher phone call from Dentist Da Silva to ask if I knew about my appt for tomorrow! These days everything is negotiable with people not turning up for appointments.

Eddie arrives after a sleepover

Trying a selfie..

Love is in the air at Memphis..Lee and Gideon😍

Diverticulitis, a bigger problemmore fibre needed
Coral reefs in danger ofdisappearance in 2050!!

This also the fate of Australia's Barrier Reef!

Treasurer Joe Hockey's Hubris in evidenceas he awaits the guillotine to be delivered in a few days by new PM Turnbull, and about time too!

Israel Folau the islander conquerer in OZ

A regular of my vintage at the Memphis

The wind whipping a storm...

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