Friday 11 September 2015

LAGANZ at the Library - and La Fleming!

Today just seems too busy! But happily I wake up to a Friend request from Fran Blackwell, a renowned ECKist from the US so it is a good omen to start the day. Also a short reply from Olivia saying she is still considering my offer. We shall see what we shall see.
And I note with interest that K has not returned home after his Friday night out. It is not the first time and he is very quiet about his social life but as the time gets closer he will be branching out, so to speak. 
I am sure he will be OK as he sure knows how to look after himself.

I rush out at nine for a coffee at the Memphis before rehearsal at the Narional Library at about ten o'clock and feel the need for pain au chocolat as well. Bump into Renée in Dixon Street who is hurrying to NZPC for a call by Chanel at 9.30. It is all too much so I will just have my coffee and get there when I can.
Later is shopping plus, and then the Ballet with Renee Fleming at 7.30. It is a big day out!

A quick browse through the Saturday paper and all is doom and gloom so nothing much to report. Aussies gangsters always like headlines and the Chinese developers often take the cake!

Now on to the next step....which turned out to be great.
Tiwhanawhana sang the introductory Waiata and then another song celebrating Tiwhanawhana as a group of people who are different and inclusive. Thirty organisations were booked in to 'show and tell' who they were, an example of gay organisarion at its best, something which happens very rarely in the world, let alone in a minority group trying to be recognised as valid and equal. It was a great show of unanimity and strength, and long may Gay Archves reign. The main organiser of the event was Kevin Haunui, our leader, also being the Gay Archivist principal at Vic University.

At the National LibraryLAGANZ

NZAF making an appearance

The RNZ Balletstaged a spectacularly talented five short ballets by their resident dancers.  They were all great and the audience, packed to the rafters, were invited to vote for the winner. It was too difficult for me so I am going again tomorrow to voteand see  the great talent all again.

Straight on to the Michael Fowler Centre to witness one of the great modern sopranos, a New York City gal and quite a looker. Renée Fleming began on a very low key but cajoled the willing audience with her three fabulous frock changes, starting with a large golden cape, then a sparkling silver number and ending with a Royal blue strapless evening gown with an enormous matching stole. She grabbed the   very captive audience by doing the ever popular 'O mio babbino caro' from Gianni Schicci, and received a standing ovation. I changed seats at interval to get a better look and hear her much better, although she generously sang to the back audience acknowledging the the great orchestra and her debt to Kiri Te Kanawa. A very great night at the concert hall. It was certainly worth the money and the effort running between the two venues. I also saw three of my Scottish Dancing friends which was nice.
The end of another big week in Wellington.

Ooh! i just received a 'Yes' from Alice! Fantastic, I am so happy! She may move in tomorrow.

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