Wednesday 30 September 2015

Weather turns bad for Olivia's arrival

Gale winds and rain forecast for tonight's midnight arrival of Olivia, what a way to come to Wellington!
Hopefully Olivia will withstand the winds and arrive optimistic and in one piece. Everything is ready for her and all I have to do is write a welcome letter, something I do for all my tenants. 

A typical bureaucratic bunglebig views no more!

Memphis Belle...

The Keys in Washington....looking coy.

Interesting statistictwenty percent Maori population soon to be overtaken by Asians

Days of Big Dance Parties in Wellingtonall gone now.

Syrian President Assad really a butcher and should be dealtwith but is being supplied arms by Putin. This is a very dangerous world situation with so many suffering because of one man's beliefs and weaknesses.

Paul just came in to Memphis for a goodbye coffee as he leaves next week for three weeks in Europe.
He has a good food job and will also see all his family in South London.

Paul in Memphis

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