Tuesday 8 September 2015

Grisly start to day...

It is a bad news day with the front page covered by a police killing. Are we becoming more of a gun society like the US I wonder? This was a tragedy of the first order and will affect a lot of witnesses and the family of the man concerned. I feel for them all.
Shot dead..!

Memphis cool...

Forty-seven percentof my age are playing games...
Predicted to be ninety percent in twenty years! Do I give in or what? Not really interested at present, also don't have enough time...

Good news is that the Sallies arrived at eight-thirty to deliver the bedroom furniture which fitted in well. Now to find the lodger (s). Tomorrow I am seeing a potential one called Linda, and her cat called Molly. Hope she is intelligent, aware and pleasant, and I will say Yes! I must remain forever optimistic as I have two great rooms for some excellent people.
Sonny will just have to adjust to the new chemistry as he arrives back from US romorrow.

Adrian with multiple sclerosis has just joined me for a cup of tea. We have met before and he is a great guy.
Drone kills a would-be terrorist attackon the Queen!

Baby smuggling still happening.

Mark Reason says it all..ABS get out to the people!
He always stirs the pot this guy, but perhaps he is right, they do live in a hot-house these champions.

Serena a champ of all champs..

Sport dominates, a Korean-born Kiwi wins at golf, the ABs are on way to the World Cup in UK and 
the Williams sister dominate women's tennis.

Day finishes with an uplifting HU song at Flashdog Studios, and a fast and furious Scottish Country Dance evening.

Home to news of cancellation of Linda and the cat - this is par for the course in flatmate hunting...many say yes and then no. It is very much a seekers' market, there are so many flats and not so many seekers. But I am positive the right ones will eventuate. I am skyping a Canadian girl tomorrow. Linda sounded very doubtful anyway, and I prefer to get my own cat in the end.

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