Sunday 27 September 2015

Daylight saving brings the sun

In the last weekend in September the daylight saving begins so it is fitting the sun should shine as yesterday was wet and miserable.

However the big farewell party went well for Ron with the Maori contingent from Auckland supplying the correct and proper protocol to send someone off in a regal manner. Ron was quite chuffed t hear all the speeches and hear the waiata which followed every small speech. I even made one and we sang afterwards Te Hokinga Mai. It was quite touching and everyone continued to carouse on but I left at six-thirty for the dinner I had been invited to, albeit reluctantly. I am sure it went on for many hours...
On the quay at Chaffers

Bella hiding nearby...

My dinner party was just that,a gigantic feast for five people and we all ate excessvely well. Four courses, two meats, and no alcohol which is the Maori norm, and also mine, so it went down well. Te Here had his boyfriend staying over from Auckland and he was a delight..called Falenga he is a Zumba professional dancer and looks like it. The Other two, Mark and Conrad, were vivacious and entertaining with many stories, it was an interesting evening but I didn't go to Ron's as promised, it was too darn late. Sorry Ron!

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