Tuesday 15 September 2015

New Aussie Prime Minister

It is new days for OZ with the preferred leader of the Liberals now in place to contest the next elections. It will now be a tight one and quite possibly Labor will now regroup to select a new opposition leader to fight in what is now a much closer competition.
Malcolm smiling, in the middle

Lydai the Kiwi champ in the old flag...

Bad news - a knockout kills a boxer in OZ..how bad is that, leaving two children!

I-phone 6 now out but quite expensive and not worth the change..

Classic kiwi artist in New Townfrom the Harcourt acting dynasty

Tom has just left me after having a coffee and muffin at Memphis. During this time I have been constantly messaging Olivia in Brisbane who is having trouble transferring money to NZ. I realised she thinks it is still a part of Australia and doesn't know it is another country. That fixed up, we now have the booking in order and I can take the ad down from the internet.
Strangely, I cannot quite believe I have found the two housemates in perfect timing. And they seem to be good, but there are always adjustments to make with new people in the house. Alice is proving to be excellent, and of course, she has to find work also. That is the next step for both of the two girls - getting a job in Wellington!

It is now nearly time to be planning summer excursions and Vinegar Hill came up with Tom. It is such an extravagant event and it is certainly worth another visit. I will however have to carefully plan how to do it, and with whom.  Tom may be just the right accomplice in this, after spending a Christmas Lunch day at his home.

The lovely Lee, my waitress here at Memphis, has just returned from three days with her whanau at Whakatane, and is finding the return hard-going. She is such a sweet efficient girl and like most Maori people, genuinely friendly and helpful. It is always a joy to come to this café.

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