Monday 14 September 2015

Alice - first day

I have just finished some final shopping for the arrival of Alice where we are meeting this time on the bus number 24. She will have a large portmanteau and I can help her up the 69 stairs. I feel she may be a bit nervous, but excited. She told me her French father spent twelve years of his youth in Australia and thinks this adventure is a great thing for his daughter. Me being an Aussie is possibly one reason why Alice chose to live with me, she feels safe, and she will be.

Outside Memphis - the other side...sitting outside my   window and making me feel awful nibbling at my pain au choclat. Makes you question the universe ay?

Croatian success story who gave back

Barbershop winners...!

Irish millionnaire through great shoes and boots

Has Angela made a big mistakeaccepting too many refugees?

Finally, the budgie smuggler is gone!!Australia now may raise its head in a bit of pride with an intelligent Prime Minister.

And Lydia Ko wins her big Open the youngest woman ever to win an international big one.

Still, the major world problems are always there and are not getting better. Johnny from Memphis gives our poor mendicant a few dollars so he may leave the cafe in peace.
Now for me on to meet with Alice and usher her in to number forty- two!

Well it has been quite a day in OZ, with the toppling of Abbott, and here in Wellie for me. My housemate from Toulouse has settled in, even braved the windy walk to the supermarket for her first shopping expedition. She has met with Sonny, who in his inimitable way has baked some lovely cheese scones and offered them to us. Reluctantly I refused - they looked great - but too much starch today and I had some smoked warehou fish instead. 

Now I am at the Cuba Lighthouse to catch a good movie, I hope. It is based on the true story ofthe attempted  assassination of Hitler towards the end of the second world War, failed of course, and he languished in a Nazi gaol for quite a while. I thought it a good time to leave the household to getto know each other sans moi. Alice and I have started to bond, amd all seems good there. We have our cat-love to talk about and one day we will look at the Cat shelter at the SPCA to find one. Already I have my eye on a black girl with whilte markings, called Mimi.  But we'll see. I also have to wait for the final confirmation of Olivia from Brisbane who is in the process of booking her flight and hopefully paying a bond into my account. When that arrives I will feel I have two new tenants. I may even book a seat for next March when the Pina Bausch troupe comes to Wellington for the first, and probably last visit. It is one too good to miss and I may even invite Yono to see if he is interested to attend. I'm sure he is no longer sick.

It is a while since I was at Cuba, the last movie was forgettable, anyway, I have forgotten it already. This one will be different at least.

Couple at Cuba.

A movie of guilt by the Germans...

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