Monday 7 September 2015

Day of frustration - and learning!

Today dawned optimistic but soon went downhill. The sun was shining and it seemed to be a perfect day overlooking the beautiful Evans Bay. I was waiting for the truck to arrive with furniture for the rented room. They said it would be between 9.30 and noon, the Sallies that is. However for a mere ten dollar delivery fee I suppose I shouldn't expect the best service. But after two phone calls and feeling a bit    
frustrated at losing a whole morning waiting (I did some outdoor work) I finally got a call saying I had been misinformed, they would arrive about two o'clock. We agreed to reschedule for tomorrow at eight-thirty. I won't hold my breath, but I just hope they arrive in three pieces, unbroken.

I know my big lesson is patience, and here is a prime example of learning that hard virtue. On their side the men from Sallies had lots to deliver, were short staffed and were not to know I was sacrificing a morning at the Memphis for them, lol! Stiff cheese for me, no coffee! I see now how accustomed I have become to this morning ritual. So eventually, on missing yet another 24 bus, I walked the extra kilometre to catch the 14, and felt the warm Spring sun bearing down on my shoulders and watching the many joggers striding their stuff along this exquisite Oriental Parade.  It is really one of the greatest bayside drives in the world, and all to me if I wish to use it, weather permitting of course.

So I arrive at Memphis and Gideon has my long versato ready, and Lee tells me I have a free one today, how lucky am I. So back to the drawing board and resume my day, albeit a little later than expected. 

Now on to Body Positive to sign Ron's petition, or really Karen's, in a vote of 'No Confidence' in the present Board of Body Positive, the Board where I used to be a member not that long ago. It is a sad situation and one that unfortunately I feel will not be reversed now. It just too little too late being done to effect it. There is no will in the Board to keep Wellington and even if they get the thirty-five signatures necessary for the coup I don't think it will be toppled. What would replace it anyway? It is an insoluble dilemma, and I see no satisfactory outcome, for anyone.

Kiwi killed for the love of ABs,by carbon monoxide escaping from the generator in his yacht while looking at the Bledisloe Cup - only in New Zealand!

This should be the new flag..but not if John Key is PM.

At home and before I open my back door I receive a call from the head honcho of GayNZ, Jay. I had been waiting for it and thirty minutes later I collapse on my bed. He is an astute journalist and wanted very much to get other side of the story from a member affected by the BP closure. I try carefully to be correct but I tell all, what the heck, it is the truth and needs to be aired. There will be some unhappy people however when the article is aired next week. I will just 'ride the storm' as Jim Morrison sang in his pivotal song, but who tragically died in 1971 in Paris. Will there be fallout? I will survive!

Tonight I am off to the Paramount instead of a date with Paul...that little habit had to stop sometime, and I do need a movie fix, hopefully a comedy!
Puleez, this was not a comedy, more like a tragedy! Why did Emma Thompson accept a cameo in such an awful production? But then I was never a Bill Bryson fan, and it is his story which couldn't be saved by the Appalachian scenery. One star only, if that, for 'A walk in the woods'. It was terrible, I nearly walked out.

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